A Warm And Humid Sunday With A Chance of Heavy Storms, Then A Big Cool Down

While much of Sunday will be unseasonably warm, expect showers and thunderstorms to develop in western Minnesota by mid-afternoon and rapidly spread eastward through the evening hours. Some of the thunderstorms could produce damaging winds and there’s a small chance of an isolated tornado. “In terms of the kind of cold front-driven summer style thunderstorms, I think what we’re looking at on Sunday night might be the last of the season,” says climatologist Kenny Blumenfeld. “The most likely outcome is that none of the thunderstorms do damage of any sort but you get some lightning, some thunder, some heavy rains and maybe some gusty winds,” says Blumenfeld, “but there is a chance that these storms could knock down a few trees and a few of them could get pretty energetic.” Once the showers and thunderstorms move through, expect a big drop in temperatures and a colder weather pattern for the week ahead. Some models are even suggesting a snow event over the coming weekend. Also, a look at an unusually active hurricane season and why some of us caught a whiff of manure in the air recently.

James du Bois